Welcome to our blog, a space where you can get to know the latest Ibéricos Crego news, as well as the news and curiosities that surround the world of Iberian ham.

For Father’s Day, give the gift of FLAVOR
A very significant day is coming soon, Father’s Day, on March 19. This festivity commemorates the day of San José as the day of all parents. But, did you know that this festivity has its origins in the United States? Well, yes. Its origin was when Sonora Smart Dodd and her five siblings were raised […]...

Iberian Crego, the best gift
Yes, we already know that there is still a long way to go until Christmas…, but we also know that time runs very fast and as soon as we want to realize it, we are surrounded by lights and Christmas carols. For this reason, at Ibéricos Crego, we believe that it is best to bring […]...

Our Exquisite Sausages
Within the world of Iberico there are many products, it is true, that many times we focus on talking about the Iberico Ham or the Iberico Shoulder and all its varieties, but we must not forget the Iberico sausages, there is a wide variety and they are as exquisite or more than a good Iberian […]...

Iberian Ham, the basis of a good diet
September arrives and, after summer, the desire to take care of yourself more, doing sports and taking maximum care of the diet. The best ally to take care of yourself and that should be part of your diet, is the 100% Iberico Bellota Ham. It is one of the healthiest products of the Mediterranean diet, […]...